Best Security Systems In Arizona

Best Security Systems In Arizona

Whether you are a business owner or simply a homeowner in Arizona, you need to protect your valuable assets. C&I Show Hardware and Security Systems has a reputation as one of the best security system providers in the entire valley of the sun. C&I Show Hardware And Security Systems Since 1985 C&I Show Hardware and…

Access Control Systems Cost

Access Control Systems Cost 2020

The average cost for access control systems is $3,350 per door, according to KISIBlog. Prices can range all the way from $2,400-$4,300 per door in the year 2020, with installation of a door reader and hardware on a door with existing locks. Of course, this estimate includes the price of a basic door license, which…

How Much Does Commercial Steel Door Installation Cost

Commercial Steel Door Installation Cost 2020

Installation of commercial steel doors costs an average of $8,000 total. Typically, the price of installation for these doors ranges from $1,500 to $15,000. Installing a steel door for a private property is much cheaper, with an average cost around $850, according to Let’s take a look at a full breakdown of commercial steel…

Commercial Wood Doors

Commercial Wood Doors

Commercial wood doors are always a wise investment. Whether your business is looking for security or simply an aesthetically-pleasing option, commercial wood doors never go out of style. Here is a complete breakdown of costs and benefits of these doors. Commercial Wood Door Benefits Safety and security is priority number one for any commercial building.…

What is a Biometric Access Control System

What is a Biometric Access Control System?

Biometric access control uses eye scanners, fingerprint readers or hand geometry readers to allow access into your building. Biometric security readers cannot be transferred like keys, cards or number sequences can. The person being granted access must be physically present in order to gain access to your area or building. C&I Show offers professional installation of commercial biometric access control systems.

Commercial Steel Door Installation Cost 2024

What is a Door Access Control System?

A door access control system is one of the most affordable types of commercial access control commonly used in Data centers, Defense, Airports, Homes, Server rooms, Offices, and more according to Door access control systems can control access to your home or commercial building with electronic door locks, contactless readers, multi-technology readers, card readers (old technology), and biometric security readers.

The Importance of Access Control Systems

The Importance of Access Control Systems

Access control systems help to keep your information safe from internal and external threats. By using access control for both your physical and computer security you ensure that no one is accessing your private resources this could be ensuring that only IT personnel has access to sensitive information like passwords or HR only can access…